What is Marcalista?

Marcalista is a multi-vendors marketplace for various top-notch clothing brands. Our mission is to change the traditional way the industry operates. Put simply, under-served markets get served, and over-served markets. Start delivering a better or cheaper product and better customer experience. On the other hand, the customer base gets the best product at the best prices. As a result of the market competiveness that Marcalista brings on the table. This is what Marcalista is all about, creating a win-win situation for everyone!

About Us

Mr. Nouman & Mr. Sheikh, the passionate team behind Marcalista, have been in the business since 2013. Together, they have spent eight years cultivating Marcalista as their pride and joy. Setting an example for competitors everywhere on how to properly offer superior customer service and unbeatable satisfaction. Still active within the company today, Mr Sheikh is regular at our weekly meetings, as vibrant and passionate as ever. A walking encyclopedia of brands, he can be regularly found bouncing ideas off of his tailor-picked staff through discussing business propositions with vendors and salesmen, and attending conventions.

The Impact of COVID-19

With the emergence of COVID-19 and its effect on the global market. Mr. Sheikh came up with an idea to bring various top-notch brands on a single online platform for the convenience of our customer base and vendors simultaneously. Which prompted Mr. Nouman to consider a website.

Furthermore, We are very enthusiastic about contributing back to our community by several works of charity. Regardless to say, that is where Marcalista came into being, becoming the first platform to have all the original business brands on board. Within no time, Marcalista turned into an idea that carries the potential to-revolutionize the online brands shopping for everyone, be it the consumer or the vendor. Through hard- work, enthusiasm, and various strategies, Team Marcalista has brought various brands on board with us.

Now, we are a proud online retail store of all brands.

Our Team

Mr. Nouman Mr. Sheikh

An owner physically owns the business and he may or may not work in the business, and may have another job or work for somebody else too. The manager is an employee of the business, and he works for the owner in the business in the business. Profit and loss impact the owners directly.

An owner physically owns the business and he may or may not work in the business, and may have another job or work for somebody else too. The manager is an employee of the business, and he works for the owner in the business in the business. Profit and loss impact the owners directly.

Marcalista For Everyone and Everywhere

Marcalista has spent eight years focusing on two things above all others, unparalleled customer service. And the quality of the products we sell. Our joint chairmen, Mr. Nouman & Mr. Sheikh were very specific when they chose the name. Marcalista (Spanish word; Marca=Brand, Lista=list). They wanted it to reflect the products that we carry. We go out of our way to fulfil your needs by offering all original clothing brands at one platform with FREE DELIVERY. We partner with many different Textile Mills and offer many different brands of products. Our head office is located in Rawalpindi, Punjab. We operate our business online through our ecommerce store Marcalista. And we had a philosophy from the beginning and it still holds true today.

We are a buying agent for our customers, and not just a selling agent for the manufacturers we represent. To do this, We follow the trends in clothing products. We carefully choose the correct merchandise and vendors to fulfil your needs. Furthermore, We are very enthusiastic about contributing back to our community by several works of charity.

Our Service

You will find a warm, inviting staff of clothing specialists. Who are ready to answer your questions and help you with your concerns 24/7. We carry a broad selection of specifically-chosen Fabric and Accessories. If on-line shopping is what you prefer. Then we offer a very comprehensive website that hosts over 15 different top-class brands to serve your needs. We strive to be your all-in-one fashion shop for anyone. To help yourself to be updated. Sign up for our Newsletter or like. Our Facebook page for exciting offers and special discount coupons throughout the year. We promise unparalleled customer service and satisfaction, guaranteed. We like to say that everyone on our team wears a lot of hats, and it’s true that almost everyone does several distinctly different things. The overlap allows us to fulfil your need, and we collaborate to ensure your experience is the best it can be.

Furthermore, We are very enthusiastic about contributing back to our community by several works of charity. Giving back to the community is a massive part of who we are. It’s how we identify ourselves. Whether it’s donating a hundred suits to a charity, seeking out and presenting the biggest names in clothing sample textile. And Working with and inspiring the local youth, or sponsoring local fashion events. We are here to help.